Friday, December 27, 2019

A Report On Somali Gang Formation - 795 Words

Somali Gang Formation Somalis began arriving in west in the early 1990s when the civil erupted in Somalia. Refugees fleeing civil war in their homeland did not find the life in the west the milk and honey as they thought it was. Due to language barrier and cultural shock, a widespread unemployment hit the Somali community more than any other races in the UK, Canada and United States. In addition to that unemployment, non-Somali gangs targeted the young Somalis who entered the school system with little or no rudimentary education or English skills. Many factors force the youth to assimilate and form their own gangs. Bullying puts refugee children at risk When east African children and teens are enrolled schools, the first things they meet is negative disparaging remarks thrown at them. Finessa Ferral-Smith, a research analyst with the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Children and Family Program contends that bullying has a negative effect on the children. In 2002, a report released by the U.S secret Service concluded that bullying played a significant role in school shootings (Ferrel-Smith, 2008). Bullying in schools in America is extremely common. Most experts attribute this to children having been exposed to violence in society. Being a victim of bullying has serious long-term consequences. Introvert and recluse children who are victims of bullying are apt to be immersed in depression and poor self-esteem. Some of these victims are more likely to eitherShow MoreRelatedMigrant Workers and Xenophobia1425 Words   |  6 Pagescompetitors. For instance, most successful immigrant groups are Somalis. The reason for the success of the Somalis is their entrepreneurial skills as well as their strong intra-ethnic ties that resemble those of the Indians. Each slum has an isolated â€Å"Somali neighborhood† where most Somali refugees live and work (Abdi, para. 7). Nonetheless, most Somali refugees and immigrants face insecurity from the local vigilante groups and gangs because they view them as aliens. However, there has been no widespreadRead MoreZaire and Rwanda Essay2077 Words   |  9 PagesTanzania and Zaire, moved towards a policy of encampment ensuring that refugees remained in its two camps: Dadaab and Kakuma. Unlike Kakuma which houses Sudanese, Congolese, Burundian and Ethiopian refugees, Dadaab mostly host Somalis. The camp is a mere 90 kilometers from the Somali border in Kenya’s North Eastern Province (NEP) and is composed of three camps with a combined capacity of 90,000 people. At present, it is severely overcrowded and houses over 290,000 refugees in a 50 kilometer radius.16

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Mormon Religion - 1677 Words

The Mormon religion first came to light in the early 1800s, in the northeastern United States. The Second Great Awakening provided the perfect religious atmosphere for new religious dogma. Furthermore, this new religion offered fresh perspective and ideals; which helped to further alienate its followers from mainstream gospel. Faced with extreme prejudice from Protestants, it wasn t until the Mormons fled west that their religious prerogative flourished. The hyper-emotional state of affairs originating from the Second Great Awakening resulted in religious turbulence which served as the foundation for Mormonism whose continued development and survival directly correlated to westward expansion and the freedoms of the West. Early in the 19th century, The Second Great Awakening, a popular evangelical movement, was raging through upstate New York. Nicknamed the â€Å"Burned-Over District,† this region was â€Å"often swept by the flames of the Holy Spirit† thus creating a supercharged atmosphere perfect for up and coming religious zealots (Gopnik 4). Within this tidal wave of religious fervor the stage was set for the introduction of Mormonism in the 1820s by self-proclaimed prophet, Joseph Smith. Claiming the angel Moroni paid him a visit and guided him to a â€Å"set of buried golden plates,† Smith purported that God had blessed him with the ability to understand the ancient texts inscribed upon them (Gopnik 2). Because of this gift and God’s benevolence, Smith was able to translate theShow MoreRelatedWorld Religion: Mormons Essay example798 Words   |  4 PagesSince the mid 1800s, Mormons, or also referred to as the Latter-Day Saints, have been a thriving religion in the United States. Founded by Joseph smith in 1830, it has grown from a small group of outcasts to a significant size of nearly seven million followers. Joseph Smith was the first prophet and president of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints. After the murder of Joseph Smith in 1844, a man named Brigham Young migrated with bulk of the Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1847, where they madeRead More Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths3692 Words   |  15 PagesComparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its doctrine. While technically a Protestant faith, the Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs held by both Catholics and Protestants. Establishment On April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsRead MoreHow Mormon Fundamentalism And Provide A Brief History Of Tenets And Practices Of The Religion1030 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay will discuss Mormon fundamentalism and provide a brief history of the tenets and practices of the religion. The term Mormon fundamentalist refers to a religious group, sect, or individual who believes the teachings of the Mormon scriptures, and follows the teachings of early Mormon leaders. In Western New York in 1830, Joseph Smith Jr. organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or LDS Church. Other early leaders of the church include Brigham Young and John Taylor, who alongRead MoreReligion : An Important Part Of Human Nature1318 Words   |  6 Pagesbeginning of time, religion has long been an important part of human nature. Religion is closely connected with our culture, politics, social relationships, as well as economics. Whether we attend a cathedral or a templ e for our place of worship, religion embeds itself into our daily lives. One of the most unique religions is Mormonism. Mormonism: what is this religion and what does it mean? While many misconceptions arise about this religion and what they believe in, like any other religion they believeRead MoreThe Full Title For The Musical By Trey Parker1351 Words   |  6 PagesThis Paper Assigned is concerned with a famous new Broadway musical. The full title for the musical is The Book of Mormon. The musical is primarily responsible for satirizing organized religion and commenting on the credibility of the Latter Day Saints Church as depicted in the real Book of Mormon and Mormon religion. The Book of Mormon is conceived and was created by the creators of the famous and controversial animated television show, South Park. The book, lyrics and music for the musical wereRead MoreJoseph Smiths Contributions to the Development of Mormons775 Words   |  3 PagesMormons were created by Joseph Smith in 1820, when Smith was 14 and lived in New York. During that time God supposedly came to him and told him not to join any of the churches in his town. Instead God told Smith to start a new religion that was based on â€Å"One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism†. God also said that no other churches were leading and teaching their people the right way, by God’s way. Smith believed that the figure speaking to him was God so he went out and began this new religion heRead MoreMormons Moving to Salt Lake City Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesMormons Moving to Salt Lake City During the nineteenth century there were many different types of people moving west over America. One of these groups was the religious group, the Mormons. The religion was originally founded by Joseph Smith in the early nineteenth century. He first started of with very few followers but quickly many people started to come round to Smiths way of thinking. After developing the religion in Palmyra, Joseph Smith and his followers moved toRead MoreThe Islam And The Muslim Community1651 Words   |  7 Pagesshifting their individual groups to the background. Mormons and other forms of Christianity According to Mormonism, Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith directly and in form of scripture. His actions justified his desire to restore the church he had previously created. Most Mormons have considered themselves to be Christians since its beginning in the 1820s. Most Christians, however, characterize them as a corruption of Christianity. Mormons have adopted many of the beliefs encountered in ChristianityRead MoreHow Gender Roles Are Played Out Among Their Religion1589 Words   |  7 PagesFor our topic, gender roles in religion, we decided to examine Mormonism and see how gender roles are played out among their religion. Before starting our interviews, we did research, and during our research process, we learned many interesting facts about Mormons and Mormonism. People usually think that Mormons are most likely people from Utah, but we found that to be false. Although the Mormon headquarter is in Utah, many Mormons are from other places, like California. Moreover, we found out thatRead MoreReligious and Ethnic Paper874 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever been curious of other religions besides your own? Maybe even discriminated against a religion without taking the time to know more about it? I am going to discuss the religion of Latter Day Saints. I will tell you what they are about, how they differ from other religions, how they have contributed to American culture, etc. Have you ever thought that a certain racial group belonged to a certain religion or certain group based on their race? I am also going to discuss African Americans

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Global Marketing Strategy and Planning

Question: Discuss about theGlobal Marketing Strategy and Planning. Answer: Introduction According to Alon Eugene (2012), global marketing refers to a product strategy that applies promotion and advertisements to increase the sales globally. It deals with a wide area for business operations. It can be said that almost all business has a global existence. According to Kotler et al (2015), even the companies that are operational within their native places try to attract global market. The increase in global marketing is the primary reason of why it is important to study. It is a major area of business because it offers access to large scale profit margins, better quality of life and vast demographic audiences. McDonalds Internal Business Situations The internal business situations of McDonalds are discussed in the following: Organizational Structure Recently in 2015, McDonald has reformed its company structure for a better handling of global operations. McDonald is among the largest fast food restaurants of the world. The focus has always been given to the current market related issues. Sachdeva (2015) outlined that they have a divisional organizational structure. Each division manages a particular operational area. The objective of the organization is to support autonomy besides maintain organizational flexibility. According to Schlegelmilch (2016), the main characteristics of their organizational structure are the following: Global hierarchy Performance-based divisions Function-based groups De Mooij (2013) mentioned that McDonalds has 23,500 restaurants in 109 countries across the world. Lee Carter (2012) opined that almost 85% of McDonalds restaurants are owned and managed by franchisees. These are independent and full time operators. They have restaurants in exotic tourist locations, highways, theme parks and inside the Wal-Mart. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) Current Product or Product Line The burgers are the most sold product of McDonald. They use 100% USDA inspected beef without any fillers and additives in their products. The chickens are also 100% farm raised without any fillers and additives. According to Pearce (2013), they work in a close association with growers, ranchers and suppliers for world class food quality. Only the brand items such as Dannon yogurt, Nestle chocolate, Heinz Ketchup are used by them. The branded menu items include Big Mac, and Chicken McNuggets. The popular products of McDonalds are hamburgers, pork burgers, and beef. To survive in India, they have added lamb, chicken, and fish burgers into their menu. These items gained popularity in the metropolitan cities of India. In spite of it, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Subway and KFC are giving competition to McDonalds here. Customer Behavior and new Trends It is a fact that the new trends are faced by the consumers because there are many competitors offering quality fast foods to them. Subway and KFC are such competitors. Following the new trends, McDonalds are offering foods in low price rates, offers discounts, and also introduced healthy food. Many have questioned the high proportion of fat in the burgers and in many countries the foods of McDonalds are banned because of the health related issues. Even they have introduced McMuffin to spread nutrition awareness. It is a move by McDonald to spread its business in those countries too. Distribution and Supply According to Griffith Hoppner (2013), McDonalds supply chain follows the concept of three-legged stool. It is the following; Suppliers Company Franchisees According to GUPTA (2013), the company has invested years in establishing a unique cold chain. Through this, the integrity of the food products are maintained and the nutritional values is also retained. The company assists in the selection of high quality seeds, refrigerated transportation system, and drip-irrigation technology. They have also enabled the E-Procurement system through which the buyers and sellers can specify the costs and also invite online bids. Customers can also qualify for special offers and volume discounts over internet. They have an E-Procurement website named Emac Digital Company. It is jointly owned by McDonalds and Accel-KKR Internet Co. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) McDonalds External Situations The external situations of the McDonalds are discussed in the following Competitive Environment Although McDonalds is considered worlds largest fast food chain, it is facing tough competition from companies such as KFC, King Burger Corporation, Subway, BKC, and Yum foods. McDonalds generates most of their revenues from eight countries. Jeon et al (2016) pointed out that these are- Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany, France, Brazil, and Japan. They started their business in India during 1996 and since then they have adopted with the food habits, cultures, and lifestyles of India. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) Industry Situation in a Particular Global Market McDonalds is a famous brand in Singapores market. The industry analysis of McDonalds is discussed in the following in terms of Singapores market. Customer analysis: McDonalds has segmented its customers in terms of their lifestyle and age. Although the target customers are teenagers, adults, and seniors, they heavily target the children. Keegan Green (2015) opined that in Singapore, they retain communication with the customers apart from anticipating their demands. However, most of their customers belong to well-educated and economically affluent families. It is found that McDonalds has made changes in their menu keeping in mind different needs of different customers. Competitor analysis: Yum Brands and McDonalds are fighting neck to neck for the number one spot in Singapore. The products of McDonalds are more costly than Yum Brands. Therefore, many customers prefer it over McDonalds. In spite of it, McDonalds has their own set of regular customers. Buyers: McDonalds have a large section of regular customers. They belong to the affluent section of the society. Suppliers: McDonalds does not have a single supplier at the global level except Coca Cola, which is a cold drink company. They have their own farm from where they get meat and from the local store they collect raw materials. Substitutes: some healthy foods that are becoming popular among the health conscious customers are posing threats to McDonalds food products. Therefore, they have shifted their focus on the healthy foods. New Entrants: No new entrants are endangering McDonalds demands in the market of Singapore. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) Strategic Fit of the Market Opportunity to the Companys Capabilities McDonalds is already a popular fast food brand. Still for the development of their business they can look into certain opportunities. Many people restrict themselves from eating food products of McDonalds because of rising health awareness. Newer range of healthy foods can attract more customers. The company should also explore the opportunity to expand in foreign market more. They can also think of renovating their old restaurants, decrease the food prices to attract the middle class customers. Even they can also introduce new popular products such as coffee because of its rising popularity worldwide. A Market Opportunity Worth Pursuing Introducing new and healthy products should be given importance. In many Asian countries, McDonalds products are not acceptable to the customers and also to the governments. In an age of growing health issues and health consciousness, customers should be served healthy foods. The SWOT Analysis of McDonalds Strength: They have a diversified income scheme. The revenues are generated from various countries across the world. It never depends on one key source of income. McDonalds sales were US$16.488 billion in the last year. It earned US$8.925 billion from franchisee stores. Weaknesses: The declining market share, quality of food are the two main weaknesses. Many people do not eat beef and in many countries the products are banned. Opportunity: International expansion, joint ventures with the retailers, and their adaptation with the regional and current trends are the main opportunities. Threats: Growing competition from companies such as subway, KFC and Burger Ken, more health consciousness among the consumers are the big threats facing by the McDonalds. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) PEST Analysis: Political: It has to follow the government regulations related to foods and hygiene. Some government has banned the junk foods of McDonald. Economic: It has to decide whether to buy the raw materials or import them is a major economic factor. The tax rates, i.e. the tariff on the imported products is another concern. Socio-cultural: Changes in lifestyle and food habits of people in specific regions are the main concerns. Asian people prefer rice over hamburgers, which is a preferred food item in Unite States. Technological: technology helps in saving time and resources. It helps in scheduling, ordering, foot traffic, and forecasting sales. Easy customer payment is also helpful. Environmental: They have replaced polystyrene with paper-based packaging to avoid environmental hazards. ("McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.", 2016) Conclusion Global marketing management has evolved widely. It is a best way to expand the business of the company. Whereas International marketing is limited, global marketing is fast growing. McDonalds is one such company that has expanded across the globe following the trends. It can be known from the SWOT and PESTEL analysis of the company. Most of the big companies are getting involved into global marketing in case they are not willing to tie up with the franchisees. In todays market scenario, the global marketing not only helps the sellers but also the consumers are getting benefitted from various products. Many companies set the product range keeping in mind the customers needs. It is an important factor of global marketing. Moreover, the companies are earning shares from all over the world and they do not depend on any specific market in a specific region. Reference Alon, I., Eugene, J. (2012).Global marketing. Mcgraw Hill Higher Educat. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Griffith, D. A., Hoppner, J. J. (2013). Global marketing managers: Improving global marketing strategy through soft skill development.International Marketing Review,30(1), 21-41. GUPTA, D. A. (2013). Organizational challenges towards international growth.Arthprabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management,2(10), 24-33. Jeon, H. J. J., Meiseberg, B., Dant, R. P., Grnhagen, M. (2016). Cultural Convergence in Emerging Markets: The Case of McDonald's in China and India.Journal of Small Business Management,54(2), 732-749. Keegan, W. J., Green, M. C. (2015).Global Marketing. Boston: Pearson. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., Armstrong, G. (2015).Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Lee, K., Carter, S. (2012).Global marketing management. Oxford University Press. McDonald's: Burgers, Fries More. Quality Ingredients.. (2016). Retrieved 14 October 2016, from Pearce, R. (2013). Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management.International Marketing Review Sachdeva, A. (2015). Evaluation and selection of differentiation as a strategy for McDonalds. Schlegelmilch, B. B. (2016). The Future of Global Marketing Strategy. InGlobal Marketing Strategy(pp. 221-249). Springer International Publishing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tobacco In Malaysia Essay Example For Students

Tobacco In Malaysia Essay Tobacco is one of the leading preventable causes of death in Malaysia. Under the current law, smoking is banned in all public places. These include amusement centres, theatres, hospitals, clinics, public vehicles and air-conditioned restaurants. Likewise, anyone under age of eighteen is not allowed to buy cigarettes or any tobacco products. If the seller is not sure of the buyers age, then it is advisable to check his identity card. Free cigarette samples are not allowed to be distributed at the public events or places as this carries a maximum fine of RM 5000 or not more than two years jail. Cigarette advertisements in all locally published materials are also banned with the maximum fine. The purpose of our government set our all these rules is to control the use of tobacco in our country; however, smoking should be banned in a country because it is bad for health, environment and the economy. We will write a custom essay on Tobacco In Malaysia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Nicotine, which is an alkaloid derived from the tobacco plant, is a chemical that has powerful effects on the human body. It not only has direct effects to smokers health but also to the non-smokers health. When a smoker takes a long drag on his cigarette, he inhales deeply, forcing smoke into the remotest parts of his lungs. The smoke contains tar and nicotine, which attack thousands of air sacs in the lung; as he continues to smoke, his air passages become increasing coated with tar, which includes several cancers causing agents. As the tar residue continues to build up in the air passages over several years, they begin to change the surface cells of the passages cancer cells begin to increase in number within a few years, lung cancer often appears. By the time a diagnosis finally confirming the presence of lung cancer, the disease has usually spread beyond control. Furthermore, the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke pass through the placenta to the fetus. It can result low birth w eight babies who are more likely to have health and behavioral problems in children such as attention disorder during preschool or school age and they often need medical attention. In fact, maternal smoking is not the only problem; non-smoking mothers living in a house where someone smokes are also at increased risk for having low birth weight babies. Moreover, the most dramatic effect of maternal smoking is on the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS or crib death). SIDS is the most common cause of death in babies between the second week and first year of life. When a women smokes during pregnancy, the risk of SIDS is at least doubled, and possibly tripled. It is estimated that more than 1/3 of all SIDS deaths is due to maternal tobacco use. Smoking is not simply a matter of personal choice when affects nonsmokers. Non-smokers health is threatened because they force to inhale the secondhand tobacco smoke (also called Environmental Tobacco Smoke, ETS). Environment tobacco smoke is made up of smoke that comes from the end of cigarettes (known as sidestream smoke) and the smoke that is exhaled from the smoker (known as mainstream smoke). Scientists have determined that sidestream has more carcinogenscancer causing agents than mainstream smoke. In short, nonsmokers or secondhand smokers health is even worst than smokers although they did not touch the cigarettes for the reason that the chemicals that are inhaled from environment tobacco smoke are not safe for human and can cause serious health problem or make existing health problem even worse. Environment tobacco smoke is a health hazard not only for people who live it day to day, but also for people who are exposed to it occasionally such as in restaurants of bars and for short period. Furthermore, environment tobacco smoke affects the respiratory of nonsmokers and can reduce lung function increasing coughing and chest discomfort. It can also cause eye irritation, sore throat in nonsmokers. Children are particularly vulnerable to environment tobacco smoke because their lung are still growing and developing. For instance, environment tobacco smoke makes existing asthma worse. It is a harmful indoor air pollutant and has serious health problems not only for children but for adults as well. Since even short exposure negatively affects the human body, reducing indoor environment tobacco smoke is essential to public health. .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .postImageUrl , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:hover , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:visited , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:active { border:0!important; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:active , .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue7676f59feaa068d56af6d7de53d4e6d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Misrepresentation of Mental Illnesses EssayBesides humans heath, tobacco production has dangerous consequences for health of our planet as well. Global impact of tobacco production is on forest reduces; deforestation is reaching crisis proportions in some developing countries. The tobacco industrys biggest use of forest resources comes from curing tobacco. Tobacco is picked of a green leaf and must be cured to get the right taste and color and to preserve it. There are several different ways of curing tobacco, but the one that causes the most environmental damages is flue curing. Special stocks are built to flue cure tobacco. They heat and keep the tobacco leaf at high tem peratures. This process takes about a week. Various fuels can be used, but in developing countries (where deforestation has become a major problems) wood is the main fuel used. For example, tobacco related deforestation is probably most serious in Malawi where tobacco makes up 50% 70% of all export earning. Almost all of the woodlands in the South have disappeared because wood is a major source of household fuel in Malawi, the scarcity of this resource become a serious problem. The area of all types of forest in most Asian and African countries are now below the level at which it is capable to meet current and future demand on a sustainable basis. Then, accelerating deforestation can be expected with potentially serious ecological consequences. Most of people are aware of the health consequences of smoking, but are they aware of the damage that tobacco inflicts the health of economy! Tobacco has a huge negative impact on the world economy, resulting in the loss of billions dollars each years. Weighing the economic benefits of tobacco against costs of premature death, medical care and sick leave worldwide. It is estimated the net loss to be $200 billion per year. In many developing countries, a worker who becomes ill or dies from tobacco use leaves his or her family without an income, and the government rarely offers social assistance to ease their financial burden. As for Malaysia government, it implements high taxes in tobacco products in order to pay for health care, also help to lower smoking rates. Moreover, the individual cost to a smokers health and well being is enormous, but financial costs are high as well. Smokers pay higher life insurance premium and contribute billion of dollars in taxes nonsmokers never have to pay. Smoking is also associated with the costs of physical damage such as burn holes in furniture, clothes, car interior and fires. And then, there is the cost of cigarettes themselves. Nonsmokers have a higher risk of their health problem s then smokers because they inhaled the environment tobacco smoke; babies who need more medical care and face some behavioral problems during preschool and some of them only have short life; this is unfair to thempassive smokers. They are victims in the use of tobacco smoking and killed by the tobacco smoke. Yet, our planet, which has potential serious ecological consequences because tobacco related deforestation. Tobacco use has negative economic consequences on every level global, domestic and individuals. The tobacco has claimed that a major decrease in tobacco consumption would seriously damage the economy because the government revenues will be decreased. In fact, it will NOT in a long term. Overall speaking, tobacco smoking should be banned in a country in order to protect our planet, economy and individuals health.