Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Mormon Religion - 1677 Words

The Mormon religion first came to light in the early 1800s, in the northeastern United States. The Second Great Awakening provided the perfect religious atmosphere for new religious dogma. Furthermore, this new religion offered fresh perspective and ideals; which helped to further alienate its followers from mainstream gospel. Faced with extreme prejudice from Protestants, it wasn t until the Mormons fled west that their religious prerogative flourished. The hyper-emotional state of affairs originating from the Second Great Awakening resulted in religious turbulence which served as the foundation for Mormonism whose continued development and survival directly correlated to westward expansion and the freedoms of the West. Early in the 19th century, The Second Great Awakening, a popular evangelical movement, was raging through upstate New York. Nicknamed the â€Å"Burned-Over District,† this region was â€Å"often swept by the flames of the Holy Spirit† thus creating a supercharged atmosphere perfect for up and coming religious zealots (Gopnik 4). Within this tidal wave of religious fervor the stage was set for the introduction of Mormonism in the 1820s by self-proclaimed prophet, Joseph Smith. Claiming the angel Moroni paid him a visit and guided him to a â€Å"set of buried golden plates,† Smith purported that God had blessed him with the ability to understand the ancient texts inscribed upon them (Gopnik 2). Because of this gift and God’s benevolence, Smith was able to translate theShow MoreRelatedWorld Religion: Mormons Essay example798 Words   |  4 PagesSince the mid 1800s, Mormons, or also referred to as the Latter-Day Saints, have been a thriving religion in the United States. Founded by Joseph smith in 1830, it has grown from a small group of outcasts to a significant size of nearly seven million followers. 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